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William Wallace was born in the 1270s in Elderslie, Scotland, into an aristocrat family. Very little is known about his early years.
While he was growing up, nobody expected young William Wallace, While he was growing up, nobody expected young William Wallace, to become a hero one day. However, as he learnt more about his country, he knew, he wanted to fight to hep his people to be free. At that time, King Edward of England wanted to be the king of Scotland, so he used to play a lot of money to Scottish Lords so that their people wouldn’t fight against him. Whenever they killed, and his made William even more determined to fight for his country.
William gathered an army of men to fight the English. He told them, ‘Every man dies, but not every man truly lives.’ These words gave his army courage. William’s army fought many battles, like the battle of Sterling Bridge on 11 September 1297, where they killed 5000 English soldiers. In the same year he was knighted and appointed ‘Guardian of Kingdom’ in the name of John Balliol, the deposed king of Scotland. However, 1304, the English won the long fight and ruled Scotland. The next year, they caught William. They killed him in August of that year, and put his head on a pole beside London Bridge to remind people how dangerous it was to fight and English.The sky was always a deep sapphire blue. The snow was hard and only by cutting steps in them we were able to walk. A false move would have been disaster. Stopping at every step, leaned on our axes, we tried to soothe down our hearts, which were thumping as though they would burst. My sister tried to tempt me with sweets so that I ought not tell our parents about the vase she broke.